Multiple p5js Canvases on One Page


Tags: hugo p5js canvas

It was fairly easy to set up integration of p5js into my blog posts if I needed only one canvas per post. Having multiple canvases turned out to be a bit more complicated. Since I spent several hours setting it up, I can as well write a post about it.

Two modes of p5js

It turns out there are two modes that p5 can work with: global and instance. Read more here:

In global mode you define setup() and draw() like this:

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {

In instance mode you need to wrap your code in a closure:

const s = ( p ) => {
    p.setup = () => {
        p.createCanvas(400, 400);
    p.draw = () => {
new p5(s, 'container-id');

This nuance with wrapping your code in a closure is not how I wanted my js patches to look like, thus I went for global mode. The challenge was that in that case we gotta resort to iframes.

My solution

To make it more manageable and avoid code duplication, I had to create the following:

  1. A shortcode in layouts/shortcode/p5js.html that would create an iframe with a given id and src:
{{- $id := .Get "id" -}}
{{- $width := .Get "width" -}}
{{- $height := .Get "height" -}}
{{- $dir := printf "content/%s" .Page.File.Dir | printf "%s" -}}
<iframe srcdoc='
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/js/p5js-global.js"></script>
{{ if (where (readDir $dir) "Name" "page.js") }}
<script src="page.js"></script>
{{ end }}
<div class="p5js" id="p5js-container" style="width: {{ $width }}; height: {{ $height }};"></div>
<script src="{{ $id }}.js"></script>
' id="iframe-{{ $id }}" style="width: {{ $width }}; height: {{ $height }}; overflow: hidden;"  scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
  1. A global js file static/js/p5js-global.js that contains canvas setup code:
function mySetupCanvas() {
    const divId = 'p5js-container'
    var div = document.getElementById(divId);
    sandboxWidth = div.offsetWidth
    sandboxHeight = div.offsetHeight
    var canvas = createCanvas(sandboxWidth, sandboxHeight);
    return [sandboxWidth, sandboxHeight]
  1. If I want to share code between different p5 snippets, I create a page.js file in the same folder as the post. This file is included in the iframe if it exists, for example:
function drawCursor() {
    drawingContext.setLineDash([2, 20])
    stroke(color(0, 100, 0))
    line(mouseX, 0, mouseX, height)
  1. In the post I use the shortcode like this:
\{\{< p5js id="v1-particles" width="100%" height="400px" >}}
  1. I create a v1-particles.js file in the same folder as the post. This file contains the code for the p5 sketch. The minimal necessary boilerplate initialization code is:
function setup() {
function draw() {

Further work

It would interesting to try the following:

  1. Implement inline mode so that I don’t have to create a separate file for each p5 sketch.
  2. Implement integration with d3.js.
  3. Try Observable:
  4. Maybe try pyscript: