Вопросы на собеседовании из курса Algorithms


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Вопросы на собеседовании из курса Algorithms

Заканчивается первая часть курса Algorithms на coursera.org. Это был один из немногих курсов, в котором мне понравилось абсолютно всё: прекрасная подача материала (лектор — сам Седжвик), наглядные слайды, наличие сопутствующей курсу книги, из которой можно почерпнуть больше подробностей по теме, нетривиальные домашние задания и, наконец, вопросы для интервью.

Я первый раз вижу, чтобы в курсе давали примеры таких вопросов. Это отличное подспорье для подготовки к собеседованиям, и поэтому я хочу поделиться ими здесь.


Question 1 Social network connectivity

Given a social network containing N members and a log file containing M timestamps at which times pairs of members formed friendships, design an algorithm to determine the earliest time at which all members are connected (i.e., every member is a friend of a friend of a friend … of a friend). Assume that the log file is sorted by timestamp and that friendship is an equivalence relation. The running time of your algorithm should be MlogN or better and use extra space proportional to N.

Hint: union-find.

Question 2 Union-find with specific canonical element

Add a method find() to the union-find data type so that find(i) returns the largest element in the connected component containing i. The operations, union(), connected(), and find() should all take logarithmic time or better.

For example, if one of the connected components is {1,2,6,9}, then the find() method should return 9 for each of the four elements in the connected components.

Hint: maintain an extra array to the weighted quick-union data structure that stores for each root i the large element in the connected component containing i.

Question 3 Successor with delete

Given a set of N integers S={0,1,…,N−1} and a sequence of requests of the following form:

design a data type so that all operations (except construction) should take logarithmic time or better.

Hint: use the modification of the union-find data discussed in the previous question.

Question 4 Union-by-size

Develop a union-find implementation that uses the same basic strategy as weighted quick-union but keeps track of tree height and always links the shorter tree to the taller one. Prove a lgN upper bound on the height of the trees for N sites with your algorithm.

Hint: replace the sz[] array with a ht[] array such that ht[i] stores the height of the subtree rooted at i.

Analysis of Algorithms

Question 1 3-SUM in quadratic time

Design an algorithm for the 3-SUM problem that takes time proportional to N² in the worst case. You may assume that you can sort the N integers in time proportional to N² or better.

[ ] Hint

given an integer x and a sorted array a[] of N distinct integers, design a linear-time algorithm to determine if there exists two distinct indices i and j such that a[i] + a[j] == x.

Question 2 Search in a bitonic array

An array is bitonic if it is comprised of an increasing sequence of integers followed immediately by a decreasing sequence of integers. Write a program that, given a bitonic array of N distinct integer values, determines whether a given integer is in the array. Standard version: Use ∼3lgN compares in the worst case. Signing bonus: Use ∼2lgN compares in the worst case (and prove that no algorithm can guarantee to perform fewer than ∼2lgN compares in the worst case).

Hints: Standard version. First, find the maximum integer using ∼1lgN compares — this divides the array into the increasing and decreasing pieces. Signing bonus. Do it without finding the maximum integer.

Question 3 Egg drop

Suppose that you have an N-story building and plenty of eggs. An egg breaks if it is dropped from floor T or higher and does not break otherwise. Your goal is to devise a strategy to determine the value of T given the following limitations on the number of eggs and tosses:


Note: can be improved to ∼sqrt(2N) tosses.

Stacks and Queues

Question 1 Queue with two stacks

Implement a queue with two stacks so that each queue operations takes a constant amortized number of stack operations.

Hint: If you push elements onto a stack and then pop them all, they appear in reverse order. If you repeat this process, they are now back in order.

Question 2 Stack with max

Create a data structure that efficiently supports the stack operations (push and pop) and also a return-the-maximum operation. Assume the elements are reals numbers so that you can compare them.

Hint: Use two stacks, one to store all of the items and a second stack to store the maximums.

Question 3 Java generics

Explain why Java prohibits generic array creation.

Hint: to start, you need to understand that Java arrays are covariant but Java generics are not: that is, String[] is a subtype of Object[], but Stack<String> is not a subtype of Stack<Object>.

Question 4 Detect cycle in a linked list

A singly-linked data structure is a data structure made up of nodes where each node has a pointer to the next node (or a pointer to null). Suppose that you have a pointer to the first node of a singly-linked list data structure:

You may not modify the structure of the linked list.

Hint: maintain a tortoise pointer that advances one node per time step and a hare pointer that advances two nodes per time step.

Question 5 Clone a linked structure with two pointers per node

Suppose that you are given a reference to the first node of a linked structure where each node has two pointers: one pointer to the next node in the sequence (as in a standard singly-linked list) and one pointer to an arbitrary node.

Design a linear-time algorithm to create a copy of the doubly-linked structure. You may modify the original linked structure, but you must end up with two copies of the original.

Hint: begin by inserting a new node x′ into the linked list immediately after each original node x.

Elementary Sorts

Question 1 Intersection of two sets

Given two arrays a[] and b[], each containing N distinct points in the plane, design a subquadratic algorithm to determine how many points are contained in both arrays.

Hint: shellsort.

Question 2 Permutation

Given two integer arrays of size N, design a subquadratic algorithm to determine whether one is a permutation of the other. That is, do they contain exactly the same entries but, possibly, in a different order.

Hint: sort both arrays.

Question 3 Dutch national flag

Given an array of N buckets, each containing a red, white, or blue pebble, sort them by color. The allowed operations are:

The performance requirements are as follows:


Question 1 Merging with smaller auxiliary array

Suppose that the subarray a[0] to a[N-1] is sorted and the subarray a[N] to a[2 * N-1] is sorted. How can you merge the two subarrays so that a[0] to a[2 * N-1] is sorted using an auxiliary array of size N (instead of 2N)?

Hint: copy only the left half into the auxiliary array.

Question 2 Counting inversions

An inversion in an array a[] is a pair of entries a[i] and a[j] such that i < j but a[i] > a[j]. Given an array, design a linearithmic algorithm to count the number of inversions.

Hint: count while mergesorting.

Question 3 Shuffling a linked list

Given a singly-linked list containing N items, rearrange the items uniformly at random. Your algorithm should consume a logarithmic (or constant) amount of extra memory and run in time proportional to NlogN in the worst case.

Hint: design a linear-time subroutine that can take two uniformly shuffled linked lists of sizes N₁ and N₂ and combined them into a uniformly shuffled linked lists of size N₁ + N₂.


Question 1 Nuts and bolts

A disorganized carpenter has a mixed pile of N nuts and N bolts. The goal is to find the corresponding pairs of nuts and bolts. Each nut fits exactly one bolt and each bolt fits exactly one nut. By fitting a nut and a bolt together, the carpenter can see which one is bigger (but the carpenter cannot compare two nuts or two bolts directly). Design an algorithm for the problem that uses NlogN compares (probabilistically).

Hint: modify the quicksort partitioning part of quicksort.

Remark: This research paper gives an algorithm that runs in N log⁴ N time in the worst case.

Question 2 Selection in two sorted arrays

Given two sorted arrays a[] and b[], of sizes N₁ and N₂, respectively, design an algorithm to find the kth largest key. The order of growth of the worst case running time of your algorithm should be logN, where N = N₁ + N₂.

Hints: there are two basic approaches.

Dealing with corner cases can be tricky.

Question 3 Decimal dominants

Given an array with N keys, design an algorithm to find all values that occur more than N/10 times. The expected running time of your algorithm should be linear.

Hint: determine the (N/10)-th largest key using quickselect and check if it occurs more than N/10 times.

Alternate solution hint: use 9 counters.

Priority Queues

Question 1 Dynamic median

Design a data type that supports insert in logarithmic time, find-the-median in constant time, and remove-the-median in logarithmic time.

Hint: maintain two binary heaps, one that is max-oriented and one that is min-oriented.

Question 2 Randomized priority queue

Describe how to add the methods sample() and delRandom() to our binary heap implementation. The two methods return a key that is chosen uniformly at random among the remaining keys, with the latter method also removing that key. The sample() method should take constant time; the delRandom() method should take logarithmic time. Do not worry about resizing the underlying array.

Question 3 Taxicab numbers

A taxicab number is an integer that can be expressed as the sum of two cubes of integers in two different ways: a³ + b³ = c³ + d³. For example, 1729 = 9³ + 10³ = 1³ + 12³.

Design an algorithm to find all taxicab numbers with a, b, c, and d less than N.


Elementary Symbol Tables

Question 1 Java autoboxing and equals()

Consider two double values a and b and their corresponding Double values x and y.

Hint: IEEE floating point arithmetic has some peculiar rules for 0.0, -0.0, and NaN. Java requires that equals() implements an equivalence relation.

Question 2 Check if a binary tree is a BST

Given a binary tree where each Node contains a key, determine whether it is a binary search tree. Use extra space proportional to the height of the tree.

Hint: design a recursive function isBST(Node x, Key min, Key max) that determines whether x is the root of a binary search tree with all keys between min and max.

Question 3 Inorder traversal with constant extra space

Design an algorithm to perform an inorder traversal of a binary search tree using only a constant amount of extra space.

Hint: you may modify the BST during the traversal provided you restore it upon completion.

Question 4 Web tracking

Suppose that you are tracking N web sites and M users and you want to support the following API:

What data structure or data structures would you use?

Hint: maintain a symbol table of symbol tables.

Balanced Search Trees

Question 1 Red-black BST with no extra memory

Describe how to save the memory for storing the color information when implementing a red-black BST.

Hint: modify the structure of the BST to encode the color information.

Design an algorithm that takes a sequence of N document words and a sequence of M query words and find the shortest interval in which the M query words appear in the document in the order given. The length of an interval is the number of words in that interval.

Hint: for each word, maintain a sorted list of the indices in the document in which that word appears. Scan through the sorted lists of the query words in a judicious manner.

Question 3 Generalized queue

Design a generalized queue data type that supports all of the following operations in logarithmic time (or better) in the worst case.

Hint: create a red-black BST where the keys are integers and the values are the items such that the i^th largest integer key in the red-black BST corresponds to the i-th item in the queue.

Geometric Applications of BSTs

Question 1 Stabbing count queries

Suppose that you have a huge log file containing the entry and exit time for each of the N people that entered and exited a building on a given day. Design a data type that returns the number of people in the building at any given query time. Each query should take logarithmic time or better as a function of N.

Hint: you can interpret each log entry as an interval whose left endpoint is the entry time and whose right endpoint is the exit time. Put the left endpoints in one data structure and the right endpoints in another data structure. Use the rank() method.

Hash Tables

Question 1 4-SUM

Given an array a[] of N integers, the 4-SUM problem is to determine if there exist distinct indices i, j, k, and l such that a[i] + a[j] = a[k] + a[l]. Design an algorithm for the 4-SUM problem that takes time proportional to N² (under suitable technical assumptions).

Hint: create a hash table with (N/2) (binome) key-value pairs.

Question 2 Hashing with wrong hashCode() or equals()

Suppose that you implement a data type OlympicAthlete for use in a java.util.HashMap.

Hint: it is code — try it and see!